Monday, July 01, 2013

empty calendar

Tonight a little n@k'd girl came dripping out of the bath (not unusual), found me in the school room, and spotted that the calendar was empty.

Where are the numbers? she asks, with a bit of panic (change, any change, is a threat) and the tiniest bit of accusation.
It's July. I took June down and you can put July up. They're on the table, I reply.
But...where are we going after Fourth of July? she asks, confused and lost.

Ah. That's the question. Fourth of July has been our benchmark. It's what she's been holding in her mind and using to not worry about how soon we're moving. I told her ages ago, probably when she was in the middle of reassuring me with my own words, first spoken when we returned two years ago, "Don't worry. We're going to stay in America for a long time." She need quantification in order not to worry. So, I chose "after Fourth of July" thinking we'd be headed overseas again in early August.

But, aside from "Fourth of July" our calendar is empty. And I don't know where we're going.

1 comment:

  1. e-mailed comment from bex:

    I can't see where I can leave a comment on your blog but this seriously sucks. You have to be worried about Pixie panicking.

    I'm not a teacher and don't know a lot about the profession but I know how to pray and that's what I'm doing.

    Hate this.



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